Applying Action Profiling

Who is Action Profiling for?#

The system is particularly appropriate for senior managers. It is most commonly applied to the Chief Executive and the top Management Group, extending down to the next two or three levels, depending upon the size and complexity of the organisation involved.

For Individuals, it will create major success dramatically improving communication with others and revealing an understanding of themselves. Often improving difficult situations and relationships at work and at home.

The Action Profile® system is, of course, no substitute for good leadership and good management. Nevertheless it can provide such a sound basis for many of the most important choices and processes in management that, like good oil in a car engine, can bring improvement in a multitude of ways.

The Action Profile® can be applied to different cultures and has been used in Europe, North America, the Far East, Africa and Australasia. It has been effective in Companies of all sizes from International Corporates to small entrepreneurships.

Are there differences between Masculine and Feminine Action Profiles®?#

There are no differences between the Action Profiles® of women and men taken as groups. Indeed, the objectivity of the profile can often help to highlight the potential of woman managers and offset traditional hidden assumptions. It can boost women’s own confidence in themselves and give their male colleagues the rationale to bring them forward.

Success from knowing your own Action Profile®#

The aim of the Action Profile® is not to change or “fix” you, but rather to draw out more fully your individual capacity. The purpose is to create the possibility for self-fulfilment by enabling you to act in accordance with your deep-seated motivations. As a result, you are able to think and act more effectively, manage the Decision-making process and secure the commitment of members of a Team or Group.

The Action Profile® simply represents distributions of motivation/energy, and there are no good or bad Patterns. It follows that there is little value in trying to change your or anyone else's Pattern. Any change should be geared toward altering conditions, attitudes or assumptions that stand in the way of your or other peoples expression of full potential.

The Action Profile® reveals your core motivational forces. It enables high performing individuals to achieve exceptional self-management through wise deployment of both high and low Decision motivations.

The ultimate goal is the creation of self-managing individuals, groups and teams. Such teams are able to orchestrate the energies of the team members, and the potential within the team is realised in a way that gives each individual maximum satisfaction and results in the most effective action. In turn the business achieves bottom line success.

The rationale behind the system of measurement is that the Action Profile® pattern gives a picture of a person’s active intelligence in decision making. It is not about theoretical decision making but about how managers actively take initiatives. Active intelligence requires an integration of body and mind; physical movement is the integrating mechanism; it makes ‘action thinking’ possible.